Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Wiki

Wily Citadel is the second World Boss stage in World 3: The Megaverse.


As the last of World 3's fortress-type stages, Wily Citadel is fairly short compared to the other stages located in the world. It contains a number of World 3's less common enemies and uses a large number of Countbombs, including a small area where Countbombs serve as the only solid ground above a bottomless pit, forcing the player to move quickly to avoid their foothold exploding beneath them.

Near the end of the stage, the player will find themselves in the infamous "Portal Chamber" found in almost all 2D Mega Man games. There are 8 teleporters, each of which leads to a unique Robot Master battle not seen anywhere else in The Megaverse. The Portal Chamber also serves as an endurance challenge, meaning that the player must beat all 8 "Portal Masters" here without dying or be forced to fight all of them again (although an extra life is provided beforehand to prevent the player from running out of lives). The player will have to defeat the following Robot Masters (in no particular order):

After all eight Masters have been defeated, a path to the final checkpoint will open up. Inside, the player will enter one last teleporter, which will transfer them to the boss room. From there, the player will confront Dr. Wily, who serves as the World Boss of World 3.


Mega Man Enemies:

Mario Enemies:



  • This stage was formerly known as Wily Citadel 4 before the original 2 and 3 were scrapped, making the last Wily Citadel stage the second Citadel stage. As of the v0.785 update, this level is simply known as "Wily Citadel" as "Wily Citadel 1" was renamed Citadel Courtyard.
  • The music in this level is a remix of the Dr. Wily Stage in the Mega Man 5.
  • The boss music during the fight against Dr. Wily is a remix of the Dr. Wily final boss theme from Mega Man 6.
  • Before the fight against Dr. Wily begins, he will have a different opening message depending on which member of the Coalition the player has selected to play as.
  • In the v0.88 Rev A update, Dr. Wily now has a third phase added to the boss fight.



RCBlazer Plays MKF v0.88: Updated Dr. Wily Fight
MeR!X Plays MKF v0.8 Wily Citadel
RCBlazer Plays MKF Part 24: Wily Citadel
EddyMRA: MKF - Updated Dr. Wily Dialogue
Original Dr. Wily Dialogue

The Mushroom Kingdom
Grass Land
TutorialThe EntrywayGoomba MinesThe TransitwayBoo MansionGrassland OutpostSubcon Panic!Jailbird ShowdownTree Zone TrekObreck Debug
Desert Land
Lake of AmnesiaBeneath the SandsDesert HillBirabuto BashDinosaur Mountain
Ocean Side
Seaside ParadiseShroom LagoonCascade CoveBanshee BoardwalkMuda MadnessDire Dire DocksRice Beach
Sky World
Rift ValleySpiral TowerSky ScurryRainy PerilsCastle in the CloudsTiny-Huge Valley
Ice Land
Snowy PlateauGlacial CavernsFrosty FlightCrystal PalaceHammer Bro Hideout
No Man's Land
Mushroom ForestStorm CanyonIsle of MysteryFoul FungiFortress of TrapsThe CrossroadsPipe Labyrinth
Koopa Kingdom
Barren BadlandsBay of FlamesDungeon O' DoomSavage StretchMolten UnderpassDry Bowser's CryptHell Prominence
Battle Levels
Goomba BlockadeForest GauntletDesolate FrontlinesKoopa Troopa PierSky Garden BlockadeTundra Battle ZoneUnder the FloesCrystal CavernsPumpkin Woods AmbushRuined Fortress Gauntlet
Alternate Earth
North America
The Grand CanyonYellowstone JourneySkyscraper DomainFever Las VegasRaccoon City
South America
Ancient CitadelJungle ShenanigansEaster Island
Serengeti SafariSahara ScrambleEgyptian Tomb
The HighlandsScandinavian CampaignPomplona StampedeCastle Wolfenstein
Western Asia
Persian DungeonHimalayan PeaksTiger Temple
Outback TrackN.Sanity Island
Eastern Asia
Great Wall ShowdownIndustrial NightmareAirship AnticsMetropolitan SiegeBridge to Morden
Battle Levels
Alaskan Wildlife TerritoryMontreal Football StadiumRebel BlockadeSavannah Battle ZoneBuster BeachJumbo Jellyfish MazeShanghai SkylinesPokemon StadiumAntarctic BattlefieldCrash Bonus Round
The Megaverse
Arboreal Industries
Dauntless QuarryAlloyed ForestCastle of BladesMario Zone Powered Up
Mechanized Wastelands
Construction CalamityThe BoneyardsSlithering PitScrap Junkyard
Riverside Station
Robotic ReefMirror CavernsHydropower Facility
Windbolt Altitudes
Power TowerWindy FortressTemple of Uranus
Secluded Installments
Jungle JurassicaArmored RepositoryHouse of ShadowsScientific Stronghold
Train Line TomahawkRobot MuseumTurbo Turnpike
Wily Citadel
Citadel CourtyardWily Citadel
Battle Levels
The Quarry ParkourCountryside GauntletMet BaseThe Blastproof BlockadeTeleporter Test ChamberJurassic BattlefieldThe City Central Invasion
The Demon Realm
Putrid Plains
Forest of SilenceDemon World VillageGhostly AvenueDarkstone CemeteryJigoku Zone
Tainted Wastelands
Halls of the DamnedBlocks of DoomBarrels o' FunBrimstone FactoryTower of Babel
Profaned Heights
AntenoraCorpse of the BehemothCrimson DominionVolcanic AscentVolkmire's Inferno
Searing Mountains
Zombie FirestormAccursed RuinsSanctum of TormentPalace of Dark Delight
Hellfire Peak
Inner TurmoilHeart of Darkness
Battle Levels
The Catacomb GauntletRed Arremer's BoneyardThe Creature FeatureDesecrated RuinsPoison AqueductBloody BasinConflagrated CliffsConduit of CarnageHighway to Hell
Outer Gehenna
Sea of MuckDreary WastelandsTerra EdificeRotten Eden
The Dark Limbo
Anomalous CityLair of the LeviathanFiddler's GreenVortex of The Siren
Inner Gehenna
Malviento TundraOverflown RelicsStygian RiverThe Fusionist's Lab
Unknown Abyss
Battle Levels
Defiled CoastlineCharged Reef MazeSludged MireTenebrous WoodlandsPermafrost PeakCrystalline Blockade
Adventurer's Domain
Plains of Wonder
Mystic PlainsLand of LatticeFillmore WealdForest Temple
Perilous Wastelands
Gerudo ValleyBugmuck SwampConcealed ChasmFire Temple
Lakeside Mountains
Mystic AbyssMt. SabreWhirlwind ValeWater Temple
Majestic Territory
The Sky Garden • <CLASSIFIED> • Oedo CastleAngel Land Castle
Dark World
Venomous LakesideDragon's DenDracula Castle
Realm of Secrets
Dream ForestGemini CanyonChrono ChaosEtherial SubconFortress of Doom
Battle Levels
Clash at the TownThe Nest of GooClouds N' Ice MinesRavager's GalleonRuins of BabylonThe Sinking TowerGauntlet of Corruption
Isle of Genesis
South Island
Green Grove ZoneBridge ZoneMarble AcropolisMythical ChaiMushroom HillMiracle Valley
Echoing Shorelines
Hydrocity ZoneCrystal MountainTides Of TimePirate Resort
Realm of Fantasy
ToylandHaunting SpookscapeDevilish SweetsColossal Cloudlands
Amalgamated Archipelago
Collision Utopia ZoneFreon Ice ZoneNeo TokyoCity Escape
Eggman Empire
Tainted Toadstool ZoneTetra MachineWinged Fortress ZoneRobotnikland
Planet Funkotron
Journey to FunkotronFunkotron Frenzy
Battle Levels
Hills of the WarriorSpring Yard SkirmishNorth TownHiyarika HavocRumblercoasterThe Great Columns Caper
Avenue of Memories
Roots of Nostalgia
Superflat WorldRetro RoadCotton IslandTetropolisBattle for Dirt Hill
The Plain
Greens PanicFever FrenzyIcicle Mountain • <CLASSIFIED> • Alcazar Lololo
Sea of Realmscapes
Gelatinous JourneyWreck CityPrehistorik IsleAwazon CavernsSnowdriftland
Pixel Nexus
Bomber ArenaBubbly NightPibble PlateauPixel FactoryPinball Zone
Emissary's Exodus
Neon LabyrinthGeometric PalatinateSubspace Adventure
98th Network
The Minefield
Battle Levels
Bomber FightSnowy TowerGimmicky GroundsHogan's Alley ShootoutThe Adventure IslandThe Incredible WorkshopSolitaire Stampede
Edge of Beyond
Halo Array
Installation 04The Library
Terran Orbit
Lunar LeaperMoon Fortress
Bydo Colony
Techno DungeonBydo Corridor
D.O.S System
DiamondusRed Rock City • <CLASSIFIED> •
Aposoft Cluster
Toxic GreenhouseSilius
Dimensional Distortions
Doh's DimensionAbstract Landscape
Andromeda Trials
Anciena PyramidAsteroid BeltCeres DistressMimiga CavernsPlanet Kerwan
Empyrean Horizon
Cosmic Culmination
The Energy ZoneInfested StationWart's NightmareZebes
Battle Levels
Covenant Thy VeggiesThe Star MazeInvasion of PopstarJourney into HeliosphereAttack on Vorticon VIEpsilon EminenceThe Space InvadersThe Koprulu Incursion
Twisted Reality
The Gate
Switch Palace
Yellow Switch PalaceGreen Switch PalaceRed Switch PalaceBlue Switch PalaceBlack Switch Palace
Removed Levels
Zero FallsSandy OasisTurtle ZoneSky World MedleyNighttime IcecapadesAirship ArmadaVerdant PlainCruise ControlMoscow MaladyShanghai ShowdownSpinning GreenhouseEye of the StormDragon's DominionMystic ForestBlue MountainsMana CavernsCollision ChaosLava Powerhouse ZoneThe BitlandsMidoro PalaceKing Watinga's RevengeCastle LololoKing Egger's TowerElemental TowerBattle for Sera