Train Line Tomahawk is the 15th level in The Megaverse.
The Mushroom Kingdom Coalition meets up with Dr. Thomas Light in his laboratory as they explain what is going on with the return of the past Robot Masters and the fusion effect before being interrupted by Dr. Wily in the computer screen, announcing that he is going to start taking over Megatropolis. Upon hearing Dr. Wily's announcement, Dr. Light send the Coalition to take the near train station to get to the city quickly.
The first area take place in near the laboratory in a peaceful mountain village. This area is very straightforward as the player has to battle many robotic enemies while making it to the train station.
The second area take place in the top of the train as the players fight through some new robots enemies, such as a Metall riding a mini train, chicken-like Coccos, B. Bitter cannons and cowboy-like Coltons. At the end of area, the player will see a stampede of robot horses as the native warrior-themed Robot Master, Tomahawk Man, hops on board and start to attack the player by throwing his Tomahawk Silver at them. The player cannot hurt him and can only survive after set of time, in which Tomahawk Man retreats back to the half-horse, half-robot Centaur Man.
The third area takes place inside of the tunnel, in which an auto scrolling begins as the player battle more robots.
The fourth area is a battle with the engineer Robot Master Charge Man, who is trying to hijack this train. After his defeat, the level continues unlike in most levels in World 3 that conclude with a boss fight.
In the last area, the player has made it to the city as they come in close at the end of the stop while fighting through the last remaining of the robot. They grab the flagpole to clear the level and head off to the museum and see a mysterious figure on the sky.
Mega Man enemies:
- Robo-Rabbit (Mega Man 2)
- Metool (Mega Man 1)
- Derusu Bee (Mega Man 7)
- Picket Man (Mega Man 1)
- Ballonboo (Mega Man 9)
- Peterchy (Mega Man 3)
- Cocco (Mega Man 5)
- Corocoro (Mega Man 5)
- Pickelman Bull (Mega Man 3)
- Bubble Bat (Mega Man 2)
- Taban (Mega Man 5)
- Tripropellan (Mega Man 7)
- Big Fish (Mega Man 2)
- Tondeall (Mega Man 5)
- Metall K1000 (Mega Man 5)
- B. Bitter (Mega Man 5)
- Blocky (Mega Man 2)
- Colton (Mega Man 6)
- Shield Attacker (Mega Man 4)
- Blader (Mega Man 1)
- Pukapelly (Mega Man 5)
- Gutsbot (Mega Man 1)
Mario enemies:
- Goomba (Metall skin)
- Tomahawk Man (Mega Man 6) (Mini-Boss)
- Centaur Man (Mega Man 6) (Mini-Boss)
- Charge Man (Mega Man 5) (Boss)
- The music heard in this level is a remix of the Dr. Cossack Stage 2 theme from Mega Man 4.
- The original name of this stage was Train To Megatropolis and was originally a secret level.
- This is the only Mega Man-themed level to not end on a Robot Master battle as instead, there is a flagpole in the last area.
- This level used to be named Train to Megatropolis.
MeR!X Plays MKF v0.8 Train Line Tomahawk
Lancer Plays MKF Part 263: Megatropolis