Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Wiki

Ridley is the ninth World Boss in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. The Mushroom Kingdom Coalition will face him in Zebes, the World Boss stage of World 9, Edge of Beyond.


Regarded as Samus' arch-enemy, Ridley is the most prominent figure of all Metroid villains. Samus and Ridley's history goes back even before the first Metroid game to the raid on the K2-L colony. It was Ridley who led the attack and killed Samus' mother. During the events of the first Metroid game, Samus returned the favor and killed Ridley to open up the passage to Mother Brain.

Ridley's body was recovered and rebuilt into Meta-Ridley for the Metroid Prime series. Samus fought and beat him again in the first Prime series at the Chozo Temple. In the third Prime game, Meta-Ridley attacked Samus at one of the generators to the Federation HQ on Norion, but was again defeated. His body salvaged once again, he was brought to the Pirate Homeworld and infused with Phazon left by the homeworld's seed, transforming him into Omega Ridley. Samus defeated him once again, causing his body to vaporize.

Another Ridley, either a clone or a different member of the species, later instigated the plot of Super Metroid by stealing the baby Metroid from the Federation research station. Travelling the depths of Zebes, Samus fought and killed Ridley once again.

A duplicate version of Ridley, cloned from Ridley cells from Samus' suit, challenged Samus on the Bottle Ship during Metroid: Other M. Unlike the Ridleys before it, this one fled before being killed, only to be later drained into a husk by a Queen Metroid. Its body was recovered and transferred to the BSL Research Station, where X Parasites cloned it for combat. Again, it was killed by Samus.

Role in MKF[]



Throughout the fight with Ridley, random guns would spawn in the arena. Only one gun would spawn at a time, so make sure to use up all of the ammo for one in order to switch to another.

Ridley has a large size and many of his attacks involve closing in on you, so it is best to keep your distance from him to avoid taking contact damage. Conversely, his size also makes him much more vulnerable to weapons like the Covenant Plasma Rifle and the Spread Gun.

Phase 1[]

During the first phase, Ridley randomly cycles through the following attacks:

  • Ridley moves to the top of the arena and follows the player left and right, before swooping down and attempting to grab the player. This attack deals two hits, and is guaranteed to destroy sci-fi suits in one hit. Run or slide out of the way as he descends.
  • Ridley rapidly stabs the bottom platform with his tail as he bounces up and down. Depending on his position, the upper platforms may be a blindspot for this attack. Alternatively, stay on the bottom platform and run or slide between his tail.
  • Ridley follows the player and stabs the player with his tail, repeated three times. Jump out of the way as he swings his tail back.
  • Ridley flies off-screen and swoops in from the background twice, dealing damage if he comes into contact with the player. The easiest way to dodge this attack is to jump between platforms as Ridley gets close.
  • Ridley roars before firing plasma breath from his mouth twice, each time firing four balls of plasma at the player. The plasma balls spreads along floors and walls upon contact, so the best way to dodge them is to jump between the four floating platforms in the middle.

After his health is depleted, Ridley violently explodes... And his successor, Zerg Ridely, emerges from one of the eggs in the background!

Phase 2[]

After Zerg Ridley appears, a Mushroom appears in the center of the room, giving the player a chance to heal up.

Zerg Ridley randomly cycles through the following attacks:

  • Zerg Ridley moves to the top of the arena and follows the player left and right, before swooping down and attempting to grab the player. This attack is largely unchanged from the previous version.
  • Zerg Ridley blends into the shadows and stabs the player six times using his tail. Dodge out of the way as his tail swings back, but note that this attack is much faster than the previous version and does not leave Zerg Ridley vulnerable.
  • Zerg Ridley stabs the bottom platform with his tail as he bounces up and down. This attack is much faster than the previous version and covers a wider area, so it is better to dodge on the bottom platform. This attack is a great opportunity to deal damage to Zerg Ridley.
  • Zerg Ridley dives underground and shoots his tail upwards twice, which explodes. Contact with the tail fragments deal damage, so carefully avoid the fragments each time.
  • Zerg Ridley roars before shooting a large blob of acid at the player twice. The acid spreads along walls and the floors, similar to the plasma breath, so the previous strategy of dodging between the platforms still applies.
  • Zerg Ridley roars before shooting four glaive wurms, which bounce around the arena until they disappear.



  • Ridley returns and replaces Zeta Metroid as the World Boss of World 9, starting in the v0.9 update of MKF.
  • Zerg Ridley appears to be based on the Zerg unit Mutalisk.
  • One early idea regarding Ridley was that he was planned to be a member of the Villain Alliance, a group of foes in the employ of Legion and would later plot to take Legion down and acquire his power for themselves. However, both the Villain Alliance and Legion were later scrapped.
World Bosses
Bowser | General Morden | Dr. Wily | Loki | Cacobirdo | Dracula | Dr. Eggman | Master Hand | Ridley | The Abomination
Bosses and Mini-Bosses (list by level)
The Mushroom Kingdom MouserBig Boo BossBirdoGoomba KingRobirdoRadonkel the CrowSubmarine Eggman IIKing TotomesuSpiked KoopaDragonzamasuPako the OctopusDive ManKrackoLakithunderFryguySirenBowser Jr.ReznorDry BowserBowser
Alternate Earth Foreman SpikeWillyTyrantGolden PharaohDuke of IndiaShoeDr. CortexThe WarlockGeneral Morden
The Megaverse Guts ManWood ManCut ManDust ManNeedle ManSkull ManSnake ManPirate ManAqua ManGemini ManBubble ManElec ManAir ManSlash ManNapalm ManShade ManKnight ManTomahawk ManCharge ManBassNitro ManTurbo ManUranusGalaxy ManTop ManYamato ManHornet ManYellow DevilSword ManMercuryEnkerBuster Rod GSonic ManMagic ManKonro ManCommando ManDr. Wily
The Demon Realm Sir GrakulCyberdemonNecromancerDraconianBlack DragonShamblerRichter BelmontGhost FiremanAstarothLoki
Gehenna ClawgripOcteyesAlien HatcheryThe Synomium DeviceCacobirdo
Adventurer's Domain MegFlare DancerGreen WalrusAngler FishTryclydeGeneral GuyHelmetheadDevilDracula
Isle of Genesis Egg TumblerEgg MarineScrew MobileCalliope the ClownGhost SnowmanOgraoum PapasE.G.G. Truck and Metal SonicEgg ShroomSilver SonicMecha SonicDr. Eggman
Avenue of Memories King WatingaWhispy WoodsKing DededeMad SciensteinLololo and LalalaKing EggerDonkey KongIceFootThiefPac-ChompEvil OttoRetro BowserMaster Hand
Edge of Beyond Star ManDobkeratopsGomanderTroop of CannonsWALDOBacterionZeta MetroidSatelliteBomb ManRobo-CorpseFlood CacobirdoSearleRidley
Twisted Reality The Abomination
Removed Bosses Boom-BoomWendy O. KoopaRoy KoopaMorton KoopaLu BuWave ManBeautyEgg Mobile FireEgg PinballTwin WoodsJaquioRed Falcon Flood BeastLegion