Planet Kerwan is the 5th secret level in World 9: Edge of Beyond and it is based on the Ratchet & Clank series.
The player arrives at Planet Kerwan (also known as Metropolis) on a frog-shaped ship (as seen at the end of Mimiga Caverns) and encounters several enemies, such as the One-eyed Tyhrranoids. There are also red explosive crates that explode a few seconds after the player touches them. While the blast can harm the player if they are too close, it can also break through blocks that reveal hidden paths. In addition, there are various item containers, such as Crash Banditcoot crates, ? Blocks, and diamond-like items that the player can open up by jumping on them.
In the second area, the player approaches Captain Quark, the superhero that declares Planet Kerwan to be the "safest city in the galaxy" despite all of the extraterrestrial threats that exist within the area. He also wants the player to be recruited into joining Q-Force. After meeting with Captain Quark, the player fights off more enemies, including some that come out of Fusion Portals. There are also elevator lifts that can be triggered, which allows the player to travel upward or downward to different parts of the area.
Somewhere in the second area, the player reaches the top of a building and meets Volt Man, who tells the player that Ratchet and Clank were sent to defeat the alien invaders but didn't show up. He also tells them that the reason that he is here is because his creator forgot about his existence. Inside, there is a Checkpoint and Volt Man is seen again alongside Crash Man.
The third main area features more exploration, in addition to more enemies and hazards to deal with. There is also a Bubbler weapon placed somewhere just in case the player has no power-ups or lacks a projectile-based attack. Somewhere, a Cyberdisc must be defeated to reveal a key that is needed to unlock the entrance to a building. Inside, the player is reminded by Overdrive Ostrich to get onboard the grav-train and another checkpoint is provided.
The fourth main area has the player onboard the grav-train only to find out that it has been rigged with red laser traps. Fortunately, the laser traps cannot go through solid surfaces, and the player can safely avoid being harmed by them using walls or moving platforms at the right moment. More enemies stand in the player's way, and there are several weapons placed around, such as a laser gun and a Spur, that can be used to deal some damage.
The fifth main area features a blue door that can be used to restart the section again. After riding on a platform lift, the player must defeat the mini-boss Hyoey to further advance into the level. However, Hyoey explodes, and its explosion can still harm the player, so it is best to stay clear of the explosion. After Hyoey's defeat, a light blue door is revealed, and the player enters it.
Here, another checkpoint is provided, and the player meets Captain Quark once again. He claims that what the player has witnessed was nothing more than a training course but insists that the player will be rewarded in the next area. The sixth main area features more enemies and hazards to evade.
The seventh and final area of the level finds the player outside and must continue to evade more enemies. At the end, the player meets up with Fox McCloud from the Star Fox series, who reveals that he was sucked into Planet Kerwan by a fusion portal. He allows the player to get onboard his Arwing ship, which is right behind the Flagpole that clears the level.
Blaster Master Enemies:
Mega Man Enemies:
- Piriparee (Mega Man V)
- Gutsbot (Mega Man; comes out of Fusion Portals)
- Sniper Armor (Mega Man 2)
- B. Bitter (Mega Man 5)
Other Enemies:
- One-eyed Tyhrranoid (Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal)
- Robot Clone (Journey to Silius)
- Kannon (Turrican)
- Cog Gun (Bomberman)
- Eye Ball (Pulseman)
- Soldier (Gunstar Heroes)
- tall yellow robotic-aliens? (X-Men 2: The Clone Wars)
- Bio-Drone (X-COM)
- Cyberdisc (X-COM)
- Sniper Armor (Contra 3)
- Garth (Contra 3)
- Eggrobo (Sonic & Knuckles; comes out of Fusion Portals))
- Beam Cannon (Final Fantasy IV)
- Electric Spark (Wario Land 4)
- Moon Alien (Ducktales)
- Eyeball Tosser (Duke Nukem; comes out of Fusion Portals)
- Orblet (Ristar)
- Shock Trooper (Half-Life)
- Shock Roach (Half-Life)
- Dynapeder (Illusion of Gaia)
- Warrior Spaceship (Sinistar)
- red laser traps
- Hyoey (Mega Man V; Mini-Boss)
- This level was originally envisioned by Lars Luron back in 2009. However, the level was never finished and its source was eventually lost. It was brought back in 2024 by Bugsie who rebuilt it from scratch.
- The Crates from the Crash Bandicoot series serve as a placeholder for the crates found in the Ratchet & Clank series.
- The Coins are reskinned as Bolts, which are the currency in the Ratchet & Clank series.
- The first area features a poster of Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series. There are also posters of Vic Viper from the Gradius series, the spaceship from Galaga, Blue and Red from Gunstar Super Heroes and Marina from Mischief Makers found in various areas in this level.
RCBlazer Plays MKF v0.9: Planet Kerwan