Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Wiki
Master Hand

Avenue of Memories World Boss

Class World Boss

Species Giant Glove/Hand

Affiliation(s) N/A

Original Appearance(s) Super Smash Brothers (1999, N64)

Master Hand is the eighth World Boss in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.


Master Hand originates from the Super Smash Bros series and has appeared in every game in the series since its first inception on the Nintendo 64 in 1999. He is usually the final boss fought if the player is playing Classic Mode.

Appearance and Role in MKF[]

In MKF, Master Hand first appeared at the end of Geometric Palatine as a surprise ending to the level. At first the level seems normal, But after grabbing the flagpole, the flag didn't move and suddenly disappeared, as did the flagpole itself. The player got confused but was alerted by his laugh. He then appeared and grabbed the player and flew away, ending the level.

In Subspace Adventure, Master Hand was flying the player's grabbed character into space and dropped them off at the main part of the level. He then fired his shot at the door and the Smash Ball logo appeared, Which locked the door by turning it gray. He disappeared as the player needed to get all of the orbs in the level.

After all 8 orbs were collected, The logo was removed, causing the door to become unlockable after switching back to the original color it had. The player then found themselves picking their item of choice, And after they headed down the hole, They soon found themselves in an arena where they would face Master Hand as he swooped in and taunts the player as the battle begins,

Phase 1 - As Master Hand himself[]

He first launches one of his six sets of attacks, Which become stronger when he gets low on health for some of them.

  • Flying Punch – He flies out and zooms in from the background and will attempt to punch the player.
  • Finger Bullet – He makes a shape of a gun and fires a bullet (or 3 sets of bullets when low on health) at the player.
  • Squeeze – He will float right next to the player, Then grabs them and starts draining the players health depending on their character.
  • Power Punch – He hovers above the player and drops down a massive fist after a few seconds, depending on the players location.
  • Floor Sweep – He does a high five pose and tries to slap the player.
  • Forward Punch – He will form a fist and will try to punch the player.

After Master Hand is defeated for the first time, He explodes and the player is assumed to have won. However, it's only the beginning because Crazy Hand joins the fight and the second phase starts as Master Hand is revived by Crazy Hand.

Phase 2 - Master Hand / Crazy Hand[]

Both hands have the same attacks patterns, But they now also have a new set of three attack patterns they can use when the two are active onscreen. They include:

  • A High-Five Pose
  • A Rock-Paper Scissors Pose
  • Playing Catch

Once one of them are defeated in the middle of this phase, The defeated Hand explodes and flies into space to explode again. The remaining Hand loses those attack patterns, and revert to the attack patterns used before. After Master Hand (or Crazy Hand) is defeated twice, They explode again and the player is assumed to have won, But they fly upwards to the center of the arena and a Smash Ball appears and they grab it, Turning into a flashing rainbow color scheme and leading into the final part of the fight, which is...

Phase 3 - Omega Hand[]


This is the hardest part of the fight. Omega Hand's attacks are upgraded and are more powerful than before.

  • Omega Power Punch – Like the regular Power Punch but with multiple transparent hands summoned on the screen and each hand will try to punch the player both upward and downward.
  • Omega Floor Sweep – Like the regular Floor Sweep but with multiple transparent hands summoned on the screen that will try to slap the player left and right.
  • Omega Finger Bullet - Hard to dodge like the regular Finger Bullet but with the ability to shoot more bullets, including some that move in a circular arc pattern.
  • Omega Flying Punch – Like the regular Flying Punch but with multiple transparent hands summoned on the screen that will try punch the player from the background.
  • Omega Squeeze – Like the regular Squeeze attack except that he will try it twice.
  • Omega Forward Punch – Like the regular Forward Punch but with multiple transparent hands summoned on the screen that will try to punch the player left and right.

Omega Hand is also invincible to the player's attacks until he's done at least one of the attack patterns and stops glowing, After which he becomes vulnerable to the player's attacks during that short time period. After he's gotten a hit or if the player takes too long to attack him, He'll reinstate the glow and perform another attack pattern. After he is defeated one last time, He begins to explode and fly back into space, Also exploding again into the void. The player then completes World 8 and gets the Key.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Phase 1 - Bring a Sci-Fi Suit, Reverse Tank, Anti-Knockback and Beat (The last item is optional for players on the platform, But it is recommended if you get near it or fall off of it), Dodge his attack patterns by either stomping on him if he's done with his attacks and/or spam projectiles to damage him.
  • Phase 2 - Crazy Hand appears in this phase alongside Master Hand. This form requires skills and practice as the attacks they do can be unpredictable at times and sometimes with no warning. The player needs to defeat at least one hand first before focusing on the other hand next.
  • Phase 3 - Avoid his attack patterns (Which can be difficult be requires strength) and damage him during the brief window of opportunity where he is vulnerable before the glow reinstates. Fortunately, a SMB2 mushroom appears as a backup item during the phase. Repeat this step until Omega Hand's health is at 0%. After that, He is finally defeated as he double explodes into the void, Clearing World 8 for the player.


  • Master Hand replaced both Jaquio and Ganondorf as the World Boss of World 8. In addition, The level Master Hand is in, Subspace Adventure, replaced the now-removed level Elemental Tower in the v0.81 update of MKF.
  • In the v0.83 update, There were two things that were changed in the fight: Some of his attacks and the powerup mushroom in Phase 3. Master Hand's attacks now move slower and are more easier to dodge due to a delay before he gets a chance to hurt the player. Also, A single SMB3 Mushroom Powerup appeared at the start of the first phase, But was later replaced with an SMB2 Mushroom powerup instead.
World Bosses
Bowser | General Morden | Dr. Wily | Loki | Cacobirdo | Dracula | Dr. Eggman | Master Hand | Ridley | The Abomination
Bosses and Mini-Bosses (list by level)
The Mushroom Kingdom MouserBig Boo BossBirdoGoomba KingRobirdoRadonkel the CrowSubmarine Eggman IIKing TotomesuSpiked KoopaDragonzamasuPako the OctopusDive ManKrackoLakithunderFryguySirenBowser Jr.ReznorDry BowserBowser
Alternate Earth Foreman SpikeWillyTyrantGolden PharaohDuke of IndiaShoeDr. CortexThe WarlockGeneral Morden
The Megaverse Guts ManWood ManCut ManDust ManNeedle ManSkull ManSnake ManPirate ManAqua ManGemini ManBubble ManElec ManAir ManSlash ManNapalm ManShade ManKnight ManTomahawk ManCharge ManBassNitro ManTurbo ManUranusGalaxy ManTop ManYamato ManHornet ManYellow DevilSword ManMercuryEnkerBuster Rod GSonic ManMagic ManKonro ManCommando ManDr. Wily
The Demon Realm Sir GrakulCyberdemonNecromancerDraconianBlack DragonShamblerRichter BelmontGhost FiremanAstarothLoki
Gehenna ClawgripOcteyesAlien HatcheryThe Synomium DeviceCacobirdo
Adventurer's Domain MegFlare DancerGreen WalrusAngler FishTryclydeGeneral GuyHelmetheadDevilDracula
Isle of Genesis Egg TumblerEgg MarineScrew MobileCalliope the ClownGhost SnowmanOgraoum PapasE.G.G. Truck and Metal SonicEgg ShroomSilver SonicMecha SonicDr. Eggman
Avenue of Memories King WatingaWhispy WoodsKing DededeMad SciensteinLololo and LalalaKing EggerDonkey KongIceFootThiefPac-ChompEvil OttoRetro BowserMaster Hand
Edge of Beyond Star ManDobkeratopsGomanderTroop of CannonsWALDOBacterionZeta MetroidSatelliteBomb ManRobo-CorpseFlood CacobirdoSearleRidley
Twisted Reality The Abomination
Removed Bosses Boom-BoomWendy O. KoopaRoy KoopaMorton KoopaLu BuWave ManBeautyEgg Mobile FireEgg PinballTwin WoodsJaquioRed Falcon Flood BeastLegion