Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Wiki
This article or section contains information about a feature or element in the game that was cut or changed on development stage.
Twisted Reality World Boss
Class World Boss
Species Unknown
Affiliation(s) Leader of a large army, commander of Legion's Finest, allied with General Morden, Dr. Wily, Loki, Beauty, Bacterion and Dr. Eggman
Original Appearance(s) Mushroom Kingdom Fusion

Legion was Mushroom Kingdom Fusion's original chief antagonist and the mastermind behind the peril spread throughout the different worlds and dimensions. To do so, it amassed an ever-increasing army of followers in each targeted world, including the prominent villains present in them. It was also incredibly ruthless, forcibly fusing its Finest into a Chimera as a punishment for their failures. Why Legion was attacking the worlds, or even who it used to be, was currently unknown.

The player was to face Legion in the Twisted Reality level, The Castle of Meat, which was presumably his base of operations. If the proper conditions have not been fulfilled, the game would have ended after Legion's defeat. He was quite similar to Tabuu, the primary antagonist of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, recruiting various villians to join his cause and resembling a human.

Legion was cut from Mushroom Kingdom Fusion due to being nothing more than a concept with no actual development started, with Legion's roles being handed over to The Fusionist.

Bosses and Mini-Bosses (list by level)
The Mushroom Kingdom MouserBig Boo BossBirdoGoomba KingRobirdoRadonkel the CrowSubmarine Eggman IIKing TotomesuSpiked KoopaDragonzamasuPako the OctopusDive ManKrackoLakithunderFryguySirenBowser Jr.ReznorDry BowserBowser
Alternate Earth Foreman SpikeWillyTyrantGolden PharaohDuke of IndiaShoeDr. CortexThe WarlockGeneral Morden
The Megaverse Guts ManWood ManCut ManDust ManNeedle ManSkull ManSnake ManPirate ManAqua ManGemini ManBubble ManElec ManAir ManSlash ManNapalm ManShade ManKnight ManTomahawk ManCharge ManBassNitro ManTurbo ManUranusGalaxy ManTop ManYamato ManHornet ManYellow DevilSword ManMercuryEnkerBuster Rod GSonic ManMagic ManKonro ManCommando ManDr. Wily
The Demon Realm Sir GrakulCyberdemonNecromancerDraconianBlack DragonShamblerRichter BelmontGhost FiremanAstarothLoki
Gehenna ClawgripOcteyesAlien HatcheryThe Synomium DeviceCacobirdo
Adventurer's Domain MegFlare DancerGreen WalrusAngler FishTryclydeGeneral GuyHelmetheadDevilDracula
Isle of Genesis Egg TumblerEgg MarineScrew MobileCalliope the ClownGhost SnowmanOgraoum PapasE.G.G. Truck and Metal SonicEgg ShroomSilver SonicMecha SonicDr. Eggman
Avenue of Memories King WatingaWhispy WoodsKing DededeMad SciensteinLololo and LalalaKing EggerDonkey KongIceFootThiefPac-ChompEvil OttoRetro BowserMaster Hand
Edge of Beyond Star ManDobkeratopsGomanderTroop of CannonsWALDOBacterionZeta MetroidSatelliteBomb ManRobo-CorpseFlood CacobirdoSearleRidley
Twisted Reality The Abomination
Removed Bosses Boom-BoomWendy O. KoopaRoy KoopaMorton KoopaLu BuWave ManBeautyEgg Mobile FireEgg PinballTwin WoodsJaquioRed Falcon Flood BeastLegion