Crimson Dominion is the 11th level of World 4: The Demon Realm and is based on the arcade game Black Tiger made by Capcom.
This level takes place in a kingdom full of buildings and living human citizens across the red mountains under the red blood moon. A long time ago, this kingdom was under the cruel control of three evil demonic dragons who descended on a land to bring darkness and destruction, turning many of the people into stone units. The main protagonist, an unnamed barbarian warrior called Black Tiger, stepped up against the evil dragon army and defeated them to restore peace to the land. Thanks to the magic of both Loki and the Necromancer, the Black Dragon undead army rise again to curse the kingdom in the darkness once again with their new allies, mostly consisting of the DOOM hell demons. Sir Arthur and his allies must stop them from ruling the kingdom and honor the Black Tiger legacy.
The player begins the level by crossing between the mountains and many of the ancient buildings to battle many of the undead army from Black Tiger, such as Fire Demons, Orcs and Flame Witches. Other enemies are present as well, such as various DOOM enemies like Imps, Cacodemons and Hell Knights. There are also living coins with a skull on them that the player has to avoid since they cannot be destroyed. The player must also watch out for Skeleton Murderers that pop out of the many buildings.
Instead of ? Blocks, there are many brown jars to break for power-ups, coins, and Rupees. There are also Frozen Men that act similarly to the Prisoners of War from the Metal Slug series, as upon freeing them, they will give the player rewards, but some will reward the player with the not-so-helpful Poison Mushrooms instead.
At the end, the player faces off against the reptilian commander Draconian, who is the one responsible for leading the attack on the kingdom. He attacks by charging at the player with his two swords before stopping to charge up a magical attack that summons some fire pillars on the ground. Because of his armor, he cannot be hurt or stomped on until he starts leaving himself open when he's charging his magic attack, as that is the only way to hurt him. After taking enough damage, Draconian kneels down and is defeated as his body starts to melt into a skeleton before exploding, saving the kingdom and clearing the level. However, the job is not done yet as the Black Dragon flies by under the player and travels to a huge volcano in the distance, as the player will follow him next.
Black Tiger enemies:
Doom enemies:
Castlevania enemies:
Ghosts 'n Goblins enemies:
- Skeleton Murderer (Ghouls 'n Ghosts)
Mario enemies:
- Draconian (Black Tiger)
- The music heard in this level is the seventh level theme from Black Tiger.
- Draconian, the boss of this level, was originally a mini-boss in the now-removed level Dragon's Dominion while the Black Dragon served as that level's boss.
- This level was one of two levels split from the now-removed level Dragon's Dominion, the other being Volcanic Ascent.
MeR!X Plays MKF v0.8 Crimson Dominion
Lancer Plays MKF Part 268: Crimson Dominion